In Hindu mantra chants it is the sound Ahmmmm that is the sound of creation. When Jesus uses the words Verily, Verily it has the same root. That is why the Christ Mythology refers to him as "The Way, The Truth, and the Light". It is derived from the concept of the SUN (Son) God. The Christ Myth has the Concept becoming Manifest in Perception creating Reality. Science works in the opposite direction, Perception is manifest in the form of Concept in the mind. Religion accepts the Concept as absolute unchanging truth and resist the nature of perception to change the view of knowledge.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Science Created Religion 101
In Hindu mantra chants it is the sound Ahmmmm that is the sound of creation. When Jesus uses the words Verily, Verily it has the same root. That is why the Christ Mythology refers to him as "The Way, The Truth, and the Light". It is derived from the concept of the SUN (Son) God. The Christ Myth has the Concept becoming Manifest in Perception creating Reality. Science works in the opposite direction, Perception is manifest in the form of Concept in the mind. Religion accepts the Concept as absolute unchanging truth and resist the nature of perception to change the view of knowledge.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Give me Freedom or Give me Money
The Beloved Comedian Jack Benny had a great story about being confronted with a mugger who said, "Your money or your life." After a long pause the mugger said "Well?" Benny replied , "I'm thinking, I'm thinking!!". You will know freedom when you can define your needs or desires and have a means of achieving them.
The first group is supportive of unrestricted Capitalism . The second group prefers a social network to support personal survivial within the community. Both groups claim to support Representative Democracy as the solution to achieve their aims.
In most of the standards of Freedom or Liberty they are in agreement. One of the main areas of disagreement is in unrestricted Capitalism which history has shown often leads to unproductive Greed and authoritarianism . The other is that entitlement to share the commonwealth can lead to high taxes, big government, and sub level productivity.
We must decide if we want to live with freedom and Liberty or be ruled by the pursuit of wealth and Power. We must decide the future of America and do it now.
Friday, September 25, 2009
History and Health Care

Friday, August 21, 2009
My TV pleasure without guilt
I started this particular blog because of a question posed on Plinky ( , "What's your 'guilty pleasure' TV show?" I could think of nothing .
I can't say that guilt ever occurred to me while watching TV. Boredom,yes - but guilt is not a typical emotion for me. My taste and my wife's taste are very often different and mutual viewing is sometimes boring for one of us. And then there is my Son and my grandchildren, they also have their differing taste. I guess that is why we have three TVs ,not to mention three computers. I guess guilt will have be a problem for the gods. I don't have time to hide.
Off course, maybe if I could get the Playboy channel, I would watch in secret.....Nah! I would probably invite over some of my Christian friends and tell them that we were going to watch new Movie called "Apocalypse and the New Earth". , and I would video tape their reaction. Except my Christan friends don't trust me. They love me and want to save me from being a "backslider" (A "backslider" is one who has lost his way and returned to the ways of evil). It has always amazed me that a community could pursue consuming Hate and determined Love at the same time.
So much for guilty viewing. This blog was an interesting exercise in learning how to write with almost no redeeming social value. So I decide to publish it anyhow. It is difficult to write life changing social commentary all the time, so I thought I would give you this filler today.
I will throw in a few TV watching images just to add a little class to this time waster.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
I Love the Daylilly
![]() |
I Love the Daylilly |
ate fall.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Christian Mind Changers
The most important part of being a Christan was the support of the religious community and the respectability it gave you in the general community.
By the time I understood the implication of evolution the deal was done. If I was forced to accept the Bible as literal and without error in order to become a Minister I would have to live a lie. I was unwilling to do that
The idea that a person could be subject to punishment for ever and ever because he did not accept church doctrine or had never even heard of the Church Doctrine that one must know to have the option to choose was Unjust and without Mercy and unacceptable. God himself would have to explain it to me and I might not accept it even then.
I also knew that Science had just began to reveal Knowledge or at least had given us a method to "Propose but Verify". And slowly I discovered freedom and passion and new purpose.
While my life took a pedestrian path and I never acquire the credentials to prove I know what I know, I did acquire the confidence to know that I know what I know. After you have had a chance to absorb that convoluted statement, I will tell you where I now stand. I have reached the comfortable age of 67 without acquiring a fear of death and lost the fear of speaking to controversy. I have renewed a great passion for writing that I had in my youth. My sense of ethics, human value, and a passion for making life as good as I can remained with me even when God had gone. The journey ahead is shorter than the one behind, but it is filled with joy and anticipation. Come! Walk with me.
Sunday, August 2, 2009

Sunday, July 5, 2009
Altas Burden
If you claim to own
But I do not believe that the privilege of ownership carries the right to impose bondage upon others. Every person deserves an opprotunity to serve and the right to receive benefit from society. Privilege to private use of public property is not free. The greater the reward of that privilege the greater the obligation to aid in the survival of your fellow man.
Our National village is not predicated upon Master & Servant, but rather Privilege & Service. Capitalism is the engine of our society, but Democracy is the vehicle. Commonwealth is the price charged by the Nation for the priviledge of personal pleasure or gain from private use of Soveriegn property. A Commonshare dividend is the reward of every citizen for the priviledge of private use.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Daughter of a Lessor God

Saturday, June 27, 2009
Son of a Lessor God
Later I will write about my oldest child and her birthright thing Since I am a Lessor and Mortal God and times are changing on this equal rights for women thing, and she does have that Once upon a Time Birthright thing ,maybe she can handle my Lessor God Title. Good luck with that.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
POEM : " IF ONLY.." by Travis Thoth
If only screams were quiet ..
If only howls fell silent in the night ..
If only terrors would bleed themselves forth ..
Cast as shadows from my sight ..
Would then the world dawn brightly ??
Would all with the world be right ??
Would the horror's venom be forgotten ??
Could it all be my mind a sleight ??
Death dines at sorrow's banquet ..
The bold fall forth to mirror's might ..
Weeping burdens the ravaged heart ..
No more strength within to fight ..
If only whispers would fall the tower ..
If only willows would stand to blight ..
If only dreams would wait 'til nightfall ..
So dance all grim horrors aflight ..
Stilled voices can shatter into eternity ..
Fall ceaselessly into the unknown ..
And still the mantra stands ..
If only ..
.. but now we are alone.
Copyrighted - 06/04/2009 by Travis Thoth
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Marriage Should Not Be Legal

According to Wikipedia, Marriage is a social, religious, spiritual and/or legal union of individuals
that creates kinship. Marriage is an institution in which interpersonal relationships are
acknowledged by the state, by religious authority, or both. It is often viewed as a contract. Civil
marriage is the legal concept of marriage as a governmental institution. The act of marriage
changes the personal and social status of the individuals who enter into it.
People marry for many reasons; legal, social, emotional, and economic stability, the formation of a
family unit, procreation,and the education and nurturing of children; legitimizing sexual relations and
public declaration of love. Marriage may take many forms. For example, a union between one man
and one woman is heterosexual marriage. A marriage in which a person takes more than
one spouse is polygamy. Some jurisdictions and religious denominations recognize same-sex
A marriage in modern times is usually performed by a religious minister or a civil officer. The act of
marriage usually creates legal obligations between the individuals involved and usually their
extended families.