Friday, March 30, 2012

Simple machines can build a Village

Our World does not have to be complex. We cannot live without machines, but they do not have to dominate our lives. We can make them  serve our needs to live a simpler but a more permanently productive life.  Machines can multiply our efforts without mastering our lives. Machines can help us build a Village.  

The Village can nurture our sense of each other and the knowledge that we do not live alone. It will not replace the global world but it will give those who wish it the power to live with the world without being a slave in the world. It takes the Village to make a human community.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Earth cannot be owned.

William Hodge  -   -  Public

We do not tax to spend. We tax to be sure that those who gain profit from the Commons of the Nation pay an equitable share to the common people of the Nation. Common people are more than just wage slaves to the Wealthy.

This is a post I received in a discussion group that I participate in.
I wanted to share it with you.

Richard Tyson

to public-banking

There are a few things that are essential to existence. Land, food, water, air. Without just one of these no human can live. To be taxed on the use of any of these, when the usage is for basic survival, is antithetical to the most basic of human rights. Every person, has in theory, equal right to that which is essential for survival, ie a minimum usage of land, food, water, and air.

When usage exceeds that which is essential then it is fair that those who enjoy excess are taxed. When an oil company drills they're doing it for profit at the expense of those who would rather enjoy a walk through unspoilt nature. One entity is taking away from the other and it would be only right for a certain level of compensation to occur. If they're paying from profits or paying a land tax, they're essentially paying because of their use of the land. At the basic level, it doesn't matter what the basis of the tax is, as long as compensation paid is equitable and results in benefit to all of society.

As to taxing income being punitive. Grrrrrr. Tell me again how one person is worth millions times more than another? ( A garbage collector is probably more important than a doctor because he stops disease before it can occur) Again, there are minimum levels of income that are to be taken into account. A certain minimum allows one to barely survive, another level allows a modicum of comfort, another level is just plain greed. No one should should be taxed when they attain a modicum of comfort. Anything above that should be taxed until the "take home" pay is the same as the tax cut off limit. If the super wealthy were to pay land tax rather than income tax they would never come close to paying what they should. Far from being punitive, tax on excessive income is the right thing to do to even the standard of living for everyone.

When this is done the incentive to speculate is removed and the result will be a far safer, more secure and happier society. Anything else results in the crap we currently experience.

While we have the opportunity to gain at the expense of another no economic system can work in the best interests of all. Tax is one way of leveling the playing field, and how taxes are instituted are not nearly as important as who and in what amounts they come from and how they're distributed.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

There is never a Shortage of Money.

Here we are in the middle of an unemployment Depression and Radical Republicans and some semi- intelligent Democrats are telling us we must destroy Government Service to people because there is not enough money.  They say we must stop borrowing because the interest will Bankrupt our Grandchildren.  POPPYCOCK.  

It is possible for the Treasury Department to borrow enough money from the Federal Reserve Banks at 0% interest to finance the entire National Debt.  Only the Congress prevents this from happening by allowing only a special group of appointed Corporate Bankers to bid at the Primary Auction for Treasury Debt. 

The only role the Fed is allowed by law to play is to buy up debt on the secondary auction in order to control interest and money supply. But even in that role the Fed has keep interest rates at almost zero. and the Treasury debt it buys becomes interest free because the interest it Fed earns is returned to the Treasury as profit.

Now we know that money is unlimited and is scarce only because your friendly Wealthy elected Congressmen have made it scarce by law to aid their own  SPECIAL INTEREST.  the question becomes when is it possible to spend this unlimited money in a way that helps the purposes of the Nation and does no harm

The argument that is used most often is that if you spend this magic money it will cause inflation. When can you spend money without causing inflation?  First you must understand what money does when you spend it. The Nation already has all the money it needs whenever need it.

Having money is like having gas to power your vehicle.  It is like having enough gas to power all the vehicles we will ever have for a million years.  So what do you need to use gas wisely. You need a driver [skilled labor].   You need a truck [productive capacity]. You need a load [resources].  If you have a road to travel and a destination you can fill up the truck with gas and get moving. In the middle of a recession you have the all three available. That is the best time to use your the unlimited supply of gas. 

If on the other hand  all the drivers, trucks, and loads are in use, then pumping more new gas will just spill on the ground and cause a fire [inflation].  A good thing to do then is stop pumping.  Your problem is now training new drivers [education] and building more trucks [capitol investment] and building roads [infrastructure]. 

This ain't Rocket Science Folks. It is no shortage of money ever.  It is POLITICAL, pure and simple.  I  suggest you elect a new Congressman who understands Money.

Copyright © William Hodge 2012