Inequality is derived from the desire to compete for prize of power and the perks that accompany it. Even in a system design to be oppressive [but with equality] there are "some who are more equal than others". There are also those who cooperate voluntarily to achieve a form of sharing with each other, because that too is in the nature of man. I would like to live in a world of equality but know that we can at best just approach that. Not even in a "Benevolent" Dictatorship is there a way to eliminate the desire of individual to compete for exceptional-ism [a Superior difference].
My hope is not to change the Nature of Man, but to modify it in ways that protect the lives of the many. If all men have sufficient food, adequate shelter, basic medical care, and the opportunity to acquire the maximum skills of his abilities, then all men would have the Freedom to say No to the oppressor who would withhold the basic elements of survival [food, shelter.....]. Only then would the Oppressor lack the power to force others to labor to the advantage of the oppressor. The most basic Freedom is Freedom from Desperation. Only then is there "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness" available to the Common Person.
copyright © William Hodge 2013